Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Inbhirfhaolain, Grampian Club hut, Glen Etive: 15-17 February.

Over the weekend of 15-17 February members and guests gathered for the Glen Etive meet at the Grampian Club hut at Inbhirfhaolain.
A very wet Saturday morning postponed any thoughts of an Alpine start but eventually the rain did ease and various parties set out for their chosen objectives. John, Julie, Craig, Frank and Jim drove down towards the head of Loch Etive with a plan to climb the Munro Ben Starav. Jackie also took the benefit of a lift and from the drop-off point she headed down to the road end at the loch before returning to the hut. The rest of the party began the ascent of Staravand, with various people turning around when they reckoned they had gone far enough, Jim was the solo summiteer.

Glen Etive was busy on the Saturday with lots of people coming down to feed the deer that gather in the valley bottom and canoeists taking advantage of the fast running river.
Ian & Andrew (and Barney the Border) headed down Glencoe to park near Signal Rock. From there they headed up the Gleann-leac-na-miudheto complete the round of Meall Lighiche(Corbett), Sgorr a’Choise(Graham) and Meall Mòr(Graham).

On Sunday Ian, Andrew & Barney were the only ones who ventured onto a hill and did the ascent of Garbh Bheinn, the Corbett to the north of theAonach Eagachridge and accessed from the road to Kinlochleven. The weather on Sunday was challenging with driving rain and hail on the top, winds gusting to 50mph+ also made walking difficult at times.