Monday, 16 September 2019

Rum Bunkhouse, Rum - 13th / 15th September 

The September meet of the Kyle Mountain Club saw eight members plus Barney head for the Isle of Rum.

Friday morning, we all met at Mallaig harbour around 11.30 for ferry leaving 12.30 and had a choice either to take a small Staffa tours boat or a small Calmac ferry and only Ian boarded the Staffa boat for a much rougher, although quicker, crossing due to very windy conditions.

After a short 15 minute walk to the well appointed bunkhouse we unloaded bags, food and drink and made up our bedding in the two dormitories. Meal at night was Jan’s Chicken and Pasta dish followed by Moira’s Plum Crumble and custard provided by Bob.  Only one casualty after the journey as Barney was sick after drinking too much water, surely a KMC first.

Saturday morning was wet and windy therefore Bob, Ian, Frank and John decided to walk to Guirdil bothy only to be stopped 1k short as burn impassable due to flooding at crossing point.
Len, Jan, Moira, Jackie and a recovered Barney went to the viewpoint, tearoom and a tour of Kinloch Castle although it is now in a sorry condition. Evening meal was John’s Sweet Chilli with Basmati rice followed by Len and June’s Rhubarb Crumble and custard.

Sunday morning was a vast improvement, dry and sunny weather. Bob, Len, Ian and Barney set off for the Rum Cuillin with Bob ascending Hallivel and Askival before returning via the Dibidal path (admitted to getting slightly lost). Len, Ian and Barney climbed Barkeval and Trallival using outward Coire Dubh path back to the bunkhouse. John and Frank ventured on another bothy walk this time to Dibidal and once again were thwarted by a raging burn too dangerous to jump just 1/2k short of bothy.
Jan, Moira and Jackie enjoyed a walk to Kilmory village and visited the beach before returing via the tearoom. Last meal provide by Jackie and Ian was Cassoulet followed by Frank’s Apple Pie with cream or remaining custard.

Monday morning meant packing up after breakfast and transferring our bags to the pier before Calmac ferry at 15.10 arriving 17.40 at Mallaig.
Jan, Moira and Jackie visited newly built forestry commission houses with Len, Frank and John walking for lunch at the otter hide with Ian and Barney staying at the pier.

All three nights were spent in the bunkhouse and after mealtimes all were completed with the usual good humoured chats and a drink or two and also entertainment from two fiddlers who were members of another group staying at the bunkhouse.

Many thanks to all for another excellent weekend.