Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Howe Laggan, Barr - 14 March 2021

 With the end of the of the ban on group walking and following 11 weeks of only being allowed the company of one other person, Friday saw the resumption of organised walking with up to 15 persons.

So with 6 people travelling in family cars and meeting up at the car park in Barr, some of the Kyle Mountain Club members set out on the route known as the Howe Laggan. A walk that includes the scenic Fairy Knowe, views of Haggis Hill and the Nick of the Balloch road.

This proved a good opportunity to catch up and plan for the future. As a result a list of weekly walks has been drawn up. This list includes some walks led by people living in East Ayrshire for members in East Ayrshire. It is hoped that in the near future members from North and East Ayrshire and South Ayrshire will be allowed to walk together. In addition changes to the monthly weekend trips to the bigger hills have been discussed and it is hoped to resume this programme as soon as possible.
Len Foreman
Chairman Kyle Mountain Club

Wednesday, 27 January 2021

Kyle Mountain Club

The Kyle Mountain Club has managed to keep active within the advisory and legal constraints of the past 9 months.

The committee has met monthly with zoom sessions and an online AGM. The meets secretary has managed to defer our accommodation bookings away without financial loss and has a full programme of monthly weekends booked for 2021 into 2022 which, pending enough members receiving vaccinations, it is hoped to resume as soon as restrictions are lifted.

Day walks in small groups within South Ayrshire have continued with a variety of types ranging from the highest point in South Ayrshire on Kirriereoch at 780m medium hills such as Haggis hill down to parts of the coastal path at sea level. With 312 named mountains in the region there are still plenty more to enjoy.

After Christmas 7 of us and two dogs enjoyed a walk on the Smugglers trail at, finishing up on the ramparts of impressive Dundonald castle.


At the time of writing we can only walk in pairs, but hope to resume in groups when it is safe and legal to do so.

Len Foreman
